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Statistics Applicable in Assessment for Learning

This course is mainly useful for student-teachers who are doing their graduation in Education and having “Assessment for Learning” course in their Syllabus.

In this course, you will learn about different Statistical techniques and how a teacher can use those techniques.

Syllabus of this course is:

Unit (a) Concept and nature of statistics, Collection and Tabulation of data

Unit (b) Graphic representation of data, Frequency Polygon Curve, Smoothed Frequency Curve, Histogram, Cumulative Frequency Curve, Ogive

Unit (c) Measures of Central Tendency Mean, Median and Mode (Meaning, computation & uses)

Unit (d) Measures of Dispersion Range, Mean Deviation, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation (Meaning, computation & uses)

Unit (e) Correlation: Meaning & Calculation of correlation (rank difference method)

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